How to Increase Employee Wellness Engagement

You know what's common? Companies offer wellness benefits, but employees don’t use them. 

A Gallup survey revealed that although 87% of employees have access to mental and emotional well-being offerings, only 23% of employees use them. This pattern also applies to physical and financial well-being programs. 

Companies invest thousands of dollars annually in wellness programs and only a third of their employees are using the benefits. 

Why does wellness program engagement matter?

Increasing employee wellness engagement is good for the company and employees. A win-win situation!

Engagement creates value, benefiting both the individual and the company alike. An Engaged employee not only actively fosters a supportive community with their colleagues but also invest their time and energy into the wellness program with genuine motivation.

The most successful organizations know that employee wellness programs are more than a “nice to have”. Employee wellness is the foundation of a high-performing team, impacting business performance, retention, healthcare costs, and even the company culture.

So what's missing? 

1. Employees don’t understand the offerings

Navigating the intricacies of wellness programs may be challenging, due to the complexity of the tool or a lack of awareness of the programs offered. Organizations can enhance employee experiences by prioritizing efforts to boost awareness and understanding of the available wellness benefits.

2. Employees are not connected

The program simply doesn’t interest them, they don’t think it’s a priority, or there are not enough touchpoints throughout the year to create engagement.

You may think you know what employees want, but wellness preferences vary. Employees desire wellness programs tailored to their unique needs. In addition, employees want choices. Giving employees choices is important because it fosters autonomy and empowerment, leading to increased job satisfaction, motivation, and overall well-being in the workplace. Recognizing the bio-individual nature of health, and providing options and variety allows individuals to discover what works best for them.

Considering the demands of work and life, strategically leveraging touchpoints throughout the year enhances participation and helps employees maintain their wellness goals.

3. Leadership doesn't model the behavior

Leaders set the tone. When leaders prioritize wellness and model positive behaviors, employees are inclined to follow suit. Establishing a supportive environment not only fosters employee engagement but also diminishes the stigma associated with mental and emotional health concerns. Demonstrating a commitment to wellness can be straightforward, involving both words and actions. It's essential for leaders to understand their team’s problems and needs, address their needs, and feel empowered to openly discuss well-being topics with their team.

4. Employees think they don’t have time

Nearly half of professionals lose sleep over work, and with demanding workloads, essentials like sleep, nutrition, and exercise often take a back seat. The struggle to balance responsibilities, manage stress, and establish lasting habits can be overwhelming, resulting in burnout - the doing-it-all approach doesn’t work.

Drawing from my experience as a former manager of a 30-person marketing team, I understand the challenges of maintaining well-being amidst a hectic schedule. The unsustainable practice of working long hours while trying to juggle relationships, proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise doesn't lead to success. Employees require a simplified approach that enables them to assess what works and what doesn't, fostering better habit formation around wellness.

Suppose you're seeking effective strategies to engage your employees in your wellness program. In that case, I've created four pillars designed to enhance employee wellness engagement, customized to suit your employees' health requirements and align with your company's values.

Enter, corporate health coaching for wellness engagement

Effective wellness programs don’t just exist, they need to become a part of the employee's life.

Drawing from my experience as a leader and health coach, education and accountability are fundamental to increasing engagement of benefits offered. My offerings are rooted in education and meaningful conversation. I do this through empowering lunch & learns, group sessions, and by helping your team identify incentives and offerings that engage your employees and leaders.

Book A Free Call

If your company's wellness program lacks engagement or is just getting started, let's connect.


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