Meet August

Hi! My name is August Beverly. I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, wife, mom of one, an advocate for non-toxic living, and a Texas native. My philosophy is "curious minds, healthy bodies." The idea is that the more we explore and understand what works best for us individually, the healthier we will become. In my practice, I take a holistic approach to health because, let's be real, it's about more than just getting good sleep, hitting the gym, and eating well. It's about looking at the whole picture. I get the frustration of trying everything and feeling a bit stuck. Change is no walk in the park, right? But hey, I'm here to help you through it, providing the motivation and evidence-based know-how you need.

My goal is to help you improve your body's health, mentally and physically, without trading one problem for another.

I offer personalized one-on-one coaching, engaging corporate workshops, and strategic corporate consulting services.

What I believe

Health is a Journey

Our health cannot be defined by a simple "healthy" or "unhealthy" label. Think of it more like a health spectrum where our everyday choices, combined with our genetics, determine where we stand.

The do-it-all Approach doesn’t last

You have your entire life to be healthy. You don’t have to do it all at once.

Health is Bio-individual

Health is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We are all unique and that should be celebrated and explored.


I’m not here to give you all the answers but instead to help you explore what’s working or not working for yourself.

Why I Became a Health Coach

August Beverly Health is the wellness support I wish I had as a young woman.

As the youngest of three siblings growing up in Salado, a small Texas town, I was often made fun of often for my unique name. This made an already shy girl struggling to fit in that much more introverted. I have always been small, but “in shape” or “strong” were never words used to describe me as a child or teenager. Until graduating high school, I remember others jokingly asking my family “when is she going to lose her baby fat?” Constantly being reminded that my body was not “normal” was hurtful and took me down a spiral of shame and low self-esteem that took a lot of work to get out of. I understand how incredibly difficult it is to feel positive about yourself when you can only hear the judgment of others.

At 18, I attended the University of Texas at Austin. I thought a new city, new school, and new people would mean the best 4 years of my life. Those 4 years ended up being the loneliest years of my life. Still struggling with low self-esteem, I had no idea what I enjoyed in life or who I even was. It was hard for me to be myself when I was hurting so much on the inside. When I graduated with a degree in Advertising, I had little to no friends and was in a relationship that was not serving me.

I moved to Houston, where my first job was at a Tax Consulting firm. I’ll never forget what the CEO told me in my first review, “you’d be so much better at your job if you were more bubbly”. It hurt to hear this, but looking back he was right. I was shy, insecure, and had resting b**** face. From his perspective, I acted and looked unhappy…which I was. After 2 years, I left and started working at a marketing agency, TopSpot. I loved the work and the people and thrived managing multiple clients. I threw myself into my work. In my one-year review, I scored high in all categories but approachability. It was suggested to me that I should smile more. They were right, but it didn’t come authentically to me.

I was 25 when someone asked me for the first time if I was happy. I broke down in tears and said no.

For the next 6 months, I met with a counselor every Tuesday from 4-5 PM. This was the single best thing I’ve ever done for myself. We talked about my past, my pains, and how to move forward. I had a lot of self-doubts and social anxiety. I had intense thoughts that I was being judged by others. My counselor helped me understand that those thoughts are not facts. She reminded me that I am in control and can rewrite the story I was creating in my head. With her tools and help, I was finally starting to be happy again and enjoy life.

During this time, I married my husband, Ben, and moved back to Austin. I continued to work for TopSpot remotely and was promoted to a managerial role, where my primary responsibility was coaching my team. This is when I learned that I’m motivated by seeing others succeed and grow.

In the spring of 2019, I developed acid reflux, brain fog, tightness when swallowing, shortness of breath, and chest pressure. All of this came out of nowhere. I went to the emergency room at one point where doctors ran a battery of tests (including an endoscopy), but everything came back normal. My general practitioner said it was all in my head and told me to move on. He never once asked me about my lifestyle or the stresses in my life. I realized that if I wanted to get better, I had to become my own health advocate.

Over the next few years, I started my own journey of wellness exploration. Dr. B’s Fiber Fueled introduced me to a fiber-rich diet, while More Than a Body taught me to value what my body is able to do and feel and rise above self-objectification. Next, I found a workout method that worked for me which included daily walks and Melissa Wood Health. Her workouts and mindfulness practices helped me release wound-up energy, stress, and anxiety. I also started positive affirmations that I would repeat to myself on walks. They were simple like, “I love my body”, “I am brilliant”, and “my intentions are pure". My affirmations made me happier and more powerful in my own skin.

Eating a whole foods diet, incorporating daily movement that worked for me, and practicing daily affirmations changed my life. Those steps improved my mental, emotional, and physical health and strengthened my relationships with my husband, family, friends, and coworkers. The changes I experienced didn’t happen overnight but proved to me the power of persistence.

My up-and-down relationships with my mind, my body, and the people around me are still a work in progress and I want to help you succeed and live a healthy lifestyle on and off the plate.

My one-on-one coaching program is for individuals who want to feel their best, achieve what they want in life, and enjoy it all along the way.

Words from Clients

  • Jackson Walker, LLP

    “August has helped shape our company’s approach to wellness, fostering engagement and genuine excitement. Her delivery of valuable, education-based health content is not only impactful but also provides clear, easy steps to seamlessly integrate new habits into your life. Oh, and let me tell you, her presentations are well-crafted and leave you wanting more. The positive feedback we consistently receive after each event August hosts speaks volumes. We’re thrilled about this partnership. August is a great guide to making a positive healthy change”

  • Alyssa Cappelletti

    Working with August Beverly has been a transformative experience for me. As a high-performing individual balancing the demands of being both a business owner and an athlete, I often struggled to maintain my well-being, motivation, and lifestyle choices. August's expertise as a certified integrative nutrition health coach provided me with the guidance I needed to find balance in all areas of my life. She helped me create sustainable habits that not only support my physical health but also enhance my mental clarity and overall motivation. Her personalized approach and deep understanding of the challenges faced by busy professionals like myself have made all the difference. I highly recommend August to anyone looking to optimize their health and performance while juggling multiple roles.

  • Katie K

    Working with August was life-changing. She has a special energy that made me feel comfortable, heard, and supported. After going from therapist to therapist I was frustrated with my progress. I felt like I was just complaining about my life and past without moving forward to a healthier and happier version of myself. August helped me focus on my future and provided meaningful exercises that helped me identify what was important to me and how to get there. I truly feel like I am prepared to accomplish my goals in the year to come and thereafter. I am also excited that I can book her again in the future for a clarity session if I need reminders or advice

  • Young Women's Alliance

    August Beverly's session was wonderful!

    She provided practical tools for managing stress and forming sustainable habits, drawing from her experience as an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach. August shared strategies for balancing responsibilities, emphasized the importance of staying present to reduce stress, and introduced techniques like mindful breathing and sensory awareness. She also highlighted the value of starting small with consistent steps and tying habits to contextual cues to make them automatic.

    Thank you, August, for a wonderful and informative session.

    Lillian Hartman - Chief of Staff at YWA

  • Emileigh H

    With August’s help from just one session, I was able to create clarity goals and daily affirmations that have served to be incredibly beneficial. We identified specifically where in my life I should focus for the benefit of my own well-being, which was surprisingly eye-opening.

  • Michelle B

    I enjoyed the experience that I had with August. She listened to my experiences and feelings and came up with several ways to change some of the habits that were holding me back and if one did not work she had another one up her sleeve. I highly recommend her for those positive little pushes and suggestions that always seemed to work.