Take Charge of Toxins: Uncover Small Steps to a Cleaner Home

Sometimes we assume to be healthier we have to make major shifts in our lives. This can mean to some of us, letting go of habits we’ve known to be true for a long time OR letting go of the fear of change.

Being healthier means taking small attainable steps to build up to the bigger goal you’re trying to achieve. This month, my husband and I are taking a step towards better health by purging chemicals and toxins from my living space. Considering that the average person spends approximately 90% of their time indoors, it has become increasingly vital to recognize the hidden hazards within our homes. This heightened awareness of the need to replace everyday products has grown more pronounced since the arrival of my son, Homer. Whether it's the furniture and carpets we walk on or the cleaning solutions and air fresheners we use, these toxins have the potential to be a silent contributor to a range of illnesses and diseases.

The prevalence of chronic diseases has reached unprecedented levels, with children experiencing a particularly significant surge in these conditions. This increase encompasses a wide spectrum of ailments, ranging from allergies and asthma to migraines, chronic pain, and neurodevelopmental disorders. The next line might shock you.

Today 54% of kids have a chronic disease. This number was 1.6% in the 1960s.

Within the span of just a generation and a half, there has been the number of children with chronic disease has shifted. It is important to note that our genes did NOT mutate in a generation to cause more chronic diseases. It is our landscape and environment that has changed with the surge of chemicals in our air, water, bath, body, and home care products. The roots of this environmental shift can be traced back to the agricultural boom of the 1970s when pesticides and chemicals began to be introduced to consumers at an unprecedented scale, a trend that has continued to escalate.

There are 90,000 new chemicals on the market and less than 1% have ever been tested for safety or their effects on human health.

These chemicals have permeated nearly every category of household products, finding their way into cleaning supplies, bath and body items, cosmetics, and even baby products.

Now you may be thinking that you don’t have any sensitivities or impacts on your health from these toxins. This is because some people have better constitutions. The extent of our vulnerability to toxins is shaped by a combination of our genetic predispositions and our environment. This understanding has arisen from the recognition that environmental factors can cause changes within our body that affect the way our genes work

Individuals exhibit varying levels of resilience to toxins, with some possessing higher thresholds for exposure before adverse reactions occur. Each person's unique constitution establishes a distinct threshold at which their body responds to environmental stimuli. While minor reactions in some individuals may be dismissed as “common”, others may develop chronic conditions such as asthma and allergies as their body's response to these exposures.

The truth is, that we can better control our threshold, the effect our environment has on us, with healthy lifestyle habits.

The Positive Impact on Your Health

Becoming toxin-free in your home can be a transformative experience. You don't truly realize how good you'll feel until you've purged your living space of harmful substances. The removal of toxins leads to improved indoor air quality, enhancing your overall respiratory health and reducing allergies and sensitivities. With cleaner air to breathe, you'll find yourself more energized and focused, ultimately boosting your productivity. Moreover, you'll gain the peace of mind that comes from living in a safer environment, free from the risks associated with toxic substances. The journey to a toxin-free home brings a newfound sense of well-being and vitality that is truly worth the effort.

The top reasons to remove toxins from your home and personal care products:

  1. Improved Indoor Air Quality

  2. Enhanced Respiratory Health

  3. Reduced Allergies, Sensitivities, & Illnesses

  4. Reduced risk for Development and Reproductive Toxicity

  5. Increased Energy & Productivity

  6. Improved Mental Clarity

How do I start?

Getting started can be overwhelming, especially when we've relied on certain products for many years. My suggestion is to start gradually. You don’t have to overhaul everything and replace it all at once. A helpful tip is to consider making a positive change the next time you need to buy a household or personal care product. You can do so by referring to the resources in the following section to identify and select items free of harmful substances.

My husband and I decided to start removing toxins by addressing our collection of potentially harmful cleaning products. We systematically eliminated all cleaning supplies deemed hazardous, utilizing the Branch Basic Cleaning Products Guide as our resource. To our astonishment, a comprehensive overhaul was necessary, even affecting products labeled as "clean" or "fragrance-free." We proceeded to replace our entire array of toxic cleaning agents with the comprehensive Branch Basics Starter Kit. A bonus of this transition was the significant reduction in clutter within our home. What sets the starter kit apart is its versatility; these products can be applied to a multitude of cleaning tasks, negating the need for separate solutions for toilets, showers, floors, and more. It's truly a case where less is undeniably more!

Following our transition to safer cleaning products, our focus shifted towards evaluating and replacing our personal care products, including those used by our son, Homer. We used EWG Skin Deep tool, which serves as an exceptional resource for assessing the safety of our existing personal care items. In addition, this tool offers an extensive list of alternative products that can be trusted for their non-harmful ingredients.

Numerous typical household cleaning products contain chemicals that can trigger or exacerbate symptoms of asthma or COPD, resulting in discomfort and potential hazards while cleaning. The Mesothelioma Center provides a compilation of natural, lung-safe household products and cleaning suggestions to ensure safer cleaning experiences.

One-One-One Toxins In Your Home Review:

During our call, we will discuss

  • An overview of toxins in the home and their impact on our health

  • The cleaning products you currently have

  • Common ingredients to look out for

  • Replacement options & steps

  • Shopping cheat sheet

  • Links to resources

Below is a list of guides to educate and empower you in your decisions moving forward. With this knowledge, you can transform your home into a healthy oasis and protect your family from preventable illnesses.

Curated List of Non-Toxic Products

EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database

EWG’s Healthy Cleaning Guide

Branch Brasic Cleaning Products Guide

Excitotoxins Guide / MSG Containing Ingredients

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