Key Behaviors for Creating the Life You Want: Find Your Movement Routine

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Over the next 5 weeks, I will be sharing with you my 5 Non-Negotiables, a set of principles that, when consistently embraced can lead to transformation in your life. My non-negotiables are changes I’ve implemented in my life that have had a significant impact on my well-being and happiness.

Number 1: Find your movement routine That Sticks

We all know physical activity is important. Some of us manage to squeeze in a workout a few times a week. However, the real challenge lies in establishing a fitness routine that endures. Today, I share with you the concept of crafting a fitness routine that fits seamlessly into your life for years on end, becoming a habit just like brushing your teeth.

There are obvious benefits of moving our bodies which include a more toned physique, reduced risk of chronic disease, reduced stress, and more energy. Yet, what often goes unmentioned are the extraordinary, lesser-known benefits that a dedicated fitness routine can bring to your life.

Let's explore these often-overlooked reasons why you should adopt a consistent movement routine.

  • You will age better! Starting at the age of 30, we lose 1% of our muscle mass each year. By building more muscle mass, you will age slower and burn more fat

  • Feelings of accomplishment and a better mood

  • Movement and physical assertion allow us to move out unwanted or trapped energy and emotions

  • You will fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep

  • Exercise can help you overcome mental blocks and generate new ideas leading to more creativity and innovation

  • It causes a ripple effect on the decisions you make every day. When we create a fitness routine that we stick to we are more likely to make positive conscious decisions for our (and maybe your family too) health and well-being.

  • If you have children. Children often look up to their parents as role models. By demonstrating an active lifestyle and prioritizing movement, parents can inspire their children to adopt healthy habits from an early age. For more details on this click here.

Creating Discipline

Discovering and maintaining a fitness routine can be a daunting task when the demands of life seem to constantly get in the way. The pressures to work late and rise early, the obligations to be present for our families, or the toxicity of someone or something else can hinder our commitment. When we prioritize the needs of others, like work, friends, and our families, we unintentionally neglect our own self-care. The truth is that self-care is health care. If you make time for yourself, you will feel better, and you can show up for others in the best way.

If you desire to have a lasting fitness routine, you have to show up for yourself. This may involve starting your day 1 hour earlier or agreeing to leave work each day at the same time. Regardless of the method you choose, stick to it.

Change often thrives with external support and personable accountability. Here are my top tips to hold yourself accountable when creating your routine.

  • Put an invite on your calendar

  • Tell a friend

  • Tell your boss

  • Invite your partner or a friend to join you

  • Ask your partner to hold you accountable and give you words of encouragement

  • Plan your workout routine on Sunday or the night before your workout. So many apps send out weekly schedules which takes the planning off you.

An added bonus of inviting your partner to join you is you will enhance your relationship. Research shows couples that work out together or both have a fitness routine have better relationships and can handle challenges more easily. Conversely, when one partner is committed to fitness while the other remains inactive, there's a greater risk of emotional distance creeping in. Much like in any relationship, be it with a friend or a romantic partner, when one person aspires to elevate their life while the other doesn't, it can lead to the accumulation of resentment over time.

Getting Started

If you haven't established a fitness routine yet, that's perfectly fine! It's never too late to begin. Start with small steps; perhaps designate two specific days a week for your workouts. Once you've mastered this, progress to three days and continue from there. To develop a sustainable fitness routine, it must align with your current life circumstances. Show kindness to yourself, regardless of where you are on your fitness journey. Crafting a consistent routine is a transformative process that requires time and patience.

Signs Your Fitness Routine is on Track

Here are four key indicators to help you gauge whether your fitness routine is headed in the right direction:

  1. You find enjoyment in it

  2. You get the feelings you want to get (mentally clear, physically confident, accomplished, relaxed, better mood)

  3. You are consistent

  4. You see improvement in your abilities

My Fitness Routine

My fitness routine below is to provide you with an example and inspiration. It is not a definitive prescription for what you need to do.

My current workout app obession is EVLO Fitness. It is easy on the joints and definitly helps you build muscle. The pace of the class is slow, but you have to focus on your movements and breathing the entire time. So there isnt any time for you mind to wonder.

Observing the routines of others can bring ideas and motivation. Throughout this year, my personal emphasis has been on enhancing my strength through targeted exercises. However, there are days when I choose to add a dash of Pilates to the mix, particularly on those occasions when I'm feeling a bit sluggish and in need of a break from heavier weights.

Below is what a week might look like for me.

Monday through Friday, I wake up at 6 AM and head to the gym. By 7:15 AM, I've usually wrapped up my workout and returned home, just in time before my son wakes up. I like to complete my workout in the morning, that way I have time to pack my son’s lunch, make breakfast, and spend time with him before daycare dropoff.

Most of my workouts can be done at home with the weights I have, but I prefer going to a gym. I work from home and can become stagnant. The gym is great for me because gets me out of the house and into an environment where I feel motivated. I also love having access to more weight selection and cardio equipment when I feel like going heavier or taking it easy.

Monday Upper Body Strength: Chest, triceps, shoulders
Morning walk to daycare or evening walk with my son
Tuesday Lower Body Strength: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
Morning walk to daycare or evening walk with my son
Wednesday Strength Training: Abs, back, shoulders, bicpes
Thursday Body Strength: Quads, chest, triceps
Morning walk to daycare or evening walk with my son
Friday Full Body Strength Training: Glutes, abs, upper back
Saturday Morning Walk with the Family
Sunday Rest day. Occasional morning or evening walk

Key Behaviors for Creating the Life You Want: Continuous Learning


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