Sleep Quiz

The number one tool to reset your brain and body and improve your overall health is to get 7-8 hours of quality sleep consistently.

Use this quiz to identify where you are on the quality sleep spectrum and pinpoint areas in your life that could benefit from improvement.

Step 1: Grab a pen and a piece of paper to annotate your score.

Step 2: For each statement answer honestly. Only check off the statement if it’s a full body yes.

Step 3: For each statement with the answer "No," review it carefully. Pick at least 1 statement you can practice, to improve your sleep quality.

  1. I get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

  2. I get in bed at the same time every day, both weekdays and weekends.

  3. I wake up at the same time every day, both weekdays and weekends.

  4. I typically fall asleep within 30 minutes to an hour each night.

  5. I usually fall asleep easily almost every night.

  6. I stay asleep through the night and can easily fall back asleep if I wake up.

  7. I feel refreshed and energetic during the day.

  8. I do not snore.

  9. I have not been diagnosed with sleep apnea.

  10. I do not exercise at least three hours before bed.

  11. I am aware of not eating right before bedtime and avoid eating three hours before I go to sleep.

  12. I wear blue light-blocking glasses in the evening if I’m using my laptop, phone, or other lit devices.

  13. I turn off all artificial overhead lighting between 7 and 8 PM each night and only use dimmed lamps.

  14. I consistently practice stress-reducing techniques to calm my mind before bed.

  15. My bedroom is completely dark and free of lights from devices (TVs, computers, LED clocks, or other lit screens).

  16. I regularly turn down the thermostat in the evening to create the ideal bedroom temperature for sleep.

  17. I avoid alcohol in the evening.

  18. I avoid caffeine at least 6 hours before I get in bed.

  19. I consistently get 15 minutes of daytime sunlight in the morning.

  20. I have not taken any prescription sleep medication in the last year.

  21. My phone and other devices never interrupt my sleep with sounds, lights, or vibrations.

Calculate Your Score

If you scored less than 17/21, it means that you still have room for improvement related to sleep.

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