After Baby: Tips for Feeling Good In and About Your Body

I never considered myself a baby or kid person until I had my own. To be honest, I was never quite sure how to hold them or play, even with four nieces and nephews. However, having my own child has opened my eyes to their undeniable charm - they're cute, silly, squishy, and incredibly sweet. Now, when I see any baby, I can't help but find them the cutest thing in the world.

Before my son arrived, I did my research on what to expect postpartum. While I had some idea of what was coming, nothing truly prepared me for the physical and emotional roller coaster that followed. Postpartum hits everyone differently and to varying degrees. Some of us gracefully handle the changes, while others find themselves struggling and in need of support. A friend of mine recently mentioned that no one truly prepares you for the profound shift in your life.

As a mom, we inevitably make sacrifices. Personal time becomes scarce, going out with friends less frequently, and balancing work with the desire to bond with our baby can be challenging. The increase in anxiety may lead to sleepless nights. Amidst all these changes, we sometimes forget to prioritize self-care. However, recognizing the need to care for ourselves is crucial for our own well-being and that of our little ones.

After the life-changing experience of having a baby, it's common to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged. Amidst the joy of motherhood, we may forget what it's like to prioritize ourselves. It's easy to lose sight of self-care while focusing on this new life and tending to other children we may have. In my postpartum journey, I discovered valuable tips that helped me regain my sense of self and feel comfortable in my own skin. This isn't a weight loss regimen, but the tips below are sustainable lifestyle habits you can integrate into your life TODAY and they might even help shed some extra weight off physically and emotionally.

  1. Walking Everyday

Walking is truly underrated, offering not only a chance to soak up some sunlight but also an opportunity to connect with nature year-round, regardless of the weather. It all comes down to your desire and willingness to make time for it. Whether you choose to listen to a podcast, enjoy some music, engage in a phone call with a friend, or simply bask in your own thoughts, walking presents an accessible and rewarding form of exercise. So, let's put aside the weather-related excuses and embrace the immense benefits it offers for women's well-being, including improved cardiovascular health, enhanced mood, reduced stress, and a great way to connect with ourselves and the world around us.

Here are my tips for integrating walking into your routine.

  • Block off time on your calendar. Commit to walking during that time.

  • For a boost of accountability, ask your partner to join you. Throw on a podcast, you’d both enjoy. You’ll be surprised how fun and how far you might walk.

  • Start or end your day with a walk. Pick one that works best for YOU.

If you're not currently engaging in any movement, remember to begin slowly, maintain consistency, and gradually increase the number of days you walk each week. The duration can range from 10 minutes to an hour; choose what suits you best and embrace the progress you make. It's essential to do what works for YOU, and it's perfectly alright to acknowledge that you've done your best.

2. Nutrition & Hydration

Women should prioritize nutrition for mental and emotional well-being because what we consume directly impacts our brain function and mood. A balanced and nutrient-rich diet provides the necessary building blocks for the production of neurotransmitters that regulate emotions and promote mental clarity. Nourishing our bodies with whole foods and adopting mindful eating habits fosters a deeper connection between what we eat and how we feel, empowering women to cultivate a positive relationship with food. Good nutrition also plays a role in achieving a sustainable and healthy weight. By making informed food choices and embracing a balanced approach to nutrition, YOU can achieve your weight loss goals while promoting optimal health and vitality.

My Nutrition Fundamentals

  • Aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups, such as greens, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

  • Prioritize nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

  • Remove or limit processed and sugary foods. These lack essential nutrients and contribute to health issues.

  • Read your ingredient labels if you do buy processed. Watch out for seed oils, canola oil, carrageenan, high fructose corn syrup, and food dyes such as Yellow 5 and Red 3.

  • Buy a big water bottle and fill it up twice in one day

  • Focus on what you can put in your body versus what you shouldn’t

  • When building your plate, think protein, fiber, fat, and greens.

Reminder: Indulging in a treat or enjoying an alcoholic beverage is absolutely okay, and there's no need to feel guilty about it. Remember, balance is key in a healthy lifestyle. After such moments, simply get back to the fundamentals of your regular eating habits. Nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods, stay hydrated, and focus on making wholesome choices that support your well-being. Embrace the 80/20 rule, allowing room for occasional treats while maintaining a strong foundation of healthy eating. By adopting this approach, you can enjoy life's pleasures guilt-free and continue on your journey towards a sustainable and balanced relationship with food.

3. Communicate Emotional Stress

Sometimes it can feel like we (moms) are carrying all of the emotional weight which can lead to big emotions. Many of us tend to keep our emotions, biggest fears, and resentment bottled up inside until one day we reach a breaking point, as we may not have fully learned how to communicate our emotional stress effectively. When we are emotionally stressed or drained, our bodies often respond in ways that can hinder weight loss efforts. Emotional stress can trigger hormonal imbalances, leading to increased levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels may cause cravings for comfort foods that are high in sugar, fat, and calories, as our body seeks temporary relief from stress. Additionally, emotional stress can disrupt sleep patterns, affecting our metabolism and appetite-regulating hormones. The lack of quality sleep can further contribute to overeating and reduced energy levels, making it challenging to maintain an active lifestyle. Moreover, emotional stress may lead to emotional eating as a coping mechanism, where food becomes a source of comfort and distraction from negative feelings.

Taking time to express your thoughts and emotions with your partner or a friend during the postpartum period is essential for your well-being. Opening up about your struggles, aspirations, and inner thoughts creates a supportive space where you can be heard and understood. Remember, you are not alone in your feelings. Many postpartum women experience a wide range of emotions, and sharing your experiences can offer comfort and reassurance that others may have faced similar challenges. By engaging in open communication, you can cultivate a deeper connection with your loved ones, creating an atmosphere of empathy and compassion. In addition, by nurturing our emotional well-being, we can create a positive environment for healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and overall wellness.

4. Self- Compassion

Self-compassion is paramount during the postpartum journey because it allows us to embrace the myriad of emotions and challenges that accompany this transformative phase. As we navigate the demands of motherhood, it's essential to show ourselves kindness and understanding, recognizing that it's normal to experience moments of vulnerability and uncertainty. Practicing self-compassion enables us to let go of unrealistic expectations and judgments, fostering a nurturing and forgiving relationship with ourselves. This compassionate approach empowers us to seek support when needed, prioritize self-care, and navigate the ups and downs with greater resilience. By being gentle with ourselves, we cultivate a stronger foundation for emotional well-being, fostering a sense of acceptance, love, and empowerment as we embrace the beautiful journey of motherhood. Whatever you looked like before, whatever your weight was, that may or may not be realistic now.

Your body has accomplished the miraculous feat of bringing a wonderful life into the world. As you continue on this journey, I invite you to cherish and appreciate all the incredible things your body can do for you. Embrace and love the unique changes and shapes it has taken on, celebrating the beauty of this transformative experience. You are a powerful and resilient force, and your body deserves to be celebrated and honored every step of the way.

5. Grow Your Knowledge About Your Body

Get to know how your body works. From your brain to your gut, hormones, and why you need nutrient-dense foods and sleep. It will seriously change how you operate and the choices you make. Empowering yourself with knowledge about your body's structure and functions is an empowering journey that directly impacts the choices you make for your well-being. As you deepen your understanding of how your body operates, you gain valuable insights into what nourishes and supports it best. This newfound awareness allows you to make informed decisions, embracing a healthier and more mindful lifestyle. By recognizing the intricacies of your body's needs, you can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, fostering self-care and wellness practices that promote a balanced and thriving life. Knowledge becomes the key to unlocking the full potential of your physical and mental health, guiding you on a path towards a more conscious and fulfilling existence.

Here are some of my favorite books for learning more about how our bodies work and the importance of taking care of it:


6. Strength Building

Once you’re ready, slowly start incorporating weights into your movement routine. Strength training is essential for moms because it offers numerous physical and mental benefits that support their well-being and daily demands. As a mom, you often juggle various responsibilities, and strength training helps build functional strength, making everyday tasks easier and reducing the risk of injuries. It also enhances bone density, especially crucial for women, reducing the risk of osteoporosis later in life. Beyond the physical benefits, strength training boosts mood, reduces stress, and increases energy levels, helping moms feel more confident and capable in their roles. Additionally, as a form of self-care, strength training empowers moms to prioritize their health, setting a positive example for their children and fostering a long-lasting commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle.

The goal of strength training isn't to achieve a ripped physique, lift heavy weights, or become a bodybuilder. Instead, it's about gradually building more muscle over time. Here are some companies to get you started.

In conclusion, these tips have proven effective for me and many others. Remember, finding the right foods and routines is essential for lasting change that works for YOU. To begin, take a step today and introduce something new. Be honest with yourself and listen to what truly nourishes your body. Lastly, be realistic about your lifestyle and adopt sustainable habits that fit seamlessly into your life. Embrace this journey of personal well-being and find what works uniquely for you.

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If you're unsure where to begin, let's have a conversation! Through a discovery call, we'll identify your health and wellness goals, and I'll determine how I can assist you on your journey. Together, we'll pave the way to a healthier and more fulfilling future.


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