Leading by Example: Becoming an Empowering Movement Role Model for Your Kids

What is Movement?

Let’s classify what movement means. Movement involves bringing our bodies to life through the coordinated action of muscles and body parts. It is an essential and natural expression of our existence. Anytime you move your body, whether it's through the graceful flow of yoga, pilates, the rhythmic steps of walking, dancing in front of a mirror, a rejuvenating stretch, empowering strength training, or the fluid motion of swimming, you are embracing the boundless possibilities of movement and nourishing your body, mind, and spirit.

Too often growing up I thought about movement as a way to “look better” often for others’ approval. It took me years to learn that movement should be seen as an integral part of taking care of yourself and not for the acceptance of others.

When you prioritize movement as a form of self-care, you recognize its inherent value in promoting physical and mental well-being, fostering a positive relationship with your body, and appreciating the joy and vitality it brings to your life.

So, how often do you move your body around your kids? What is your message to your kids as to why you make time for regular movement?

Is it to lose weight or look better? Or, because you want to feel physically strong, live longer, be mentally grounded, or be more connected to your body.

Children with consistent exposure to messages about appearance and weight loss can contribute to negative body image, increase anxiety and feelings of inadequacy, or foster a culture of comparison. It can create a focus on external validation and undermine their sense of self-worth based solely on their physical appearance. By shifting our messaging to focus on overall well-being, self-acceptance, and body positivity it can encourage children to cultivate a positive self-image and contribute to their long-term physical and mental health.

What is Movement Role Modeling?

Children often look up to their parents as role models. Moms and dads play a significant role in shaping their children's behaviors and habits. By demonstrating an active lifestyle and prioritizing movement, parents can inspire their children to adopt healthy habits from an early age. Regular exercise can help instill a positive attitude toward physical activity, promoting long-term health and well-being for the entire family. Let’s review some benefits of being a movement role model.

  • Normalization of exercise: By witnessing moms and dads incorporate exercise into their daily routine, children understand that physical activity is a normal and essential part of life. It helps them recognize that taking care of their bodies through movement is a regular practice, just like eating well or getting enough sleep.

  • Increased health awareness: Seeing parents exercise can increase children's awareness and understanding of the importance of staying healthy and active. It can spark conversations about the benefits of exercise. This awareness lays a foundation for making informed health choices as they grow older.

  • Family Bonding: Engaging in physical activities with children can foster bonding and create lasting memories. Activities, such as going for walks, playing sports, or dancing, creates shared experiences and foster stronger relationships. These activities not only promote physical fitness but also provide opportunities for quality time, fun, and positive family interactions.

  • Body positivity and self-confidence: Demonstrating a positive attitude toward exercise and body image can help children develop a healthy relationship with their bodies. When children see their parents valuing and caring for their physical well-being, it promotes body positivity and self-confidence. It can counteract negative societal messages about body image and encourage a focus on health and strength rather than appearance.

When kids see their parents engaging in regular physical activity and prioritizing their health, it sets a positive example and reinforces the importance of exercise and self-care. It can inspire children to develop their own healthy habits and instill a lifelong appreciation for physical fitness.

7 Ways to Become a Movement Role Model

Becoming a movement role model for your kids involves setting a positive example and creating an environment that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips.

  1. Be consistent

  2. Include them in your activities

  3. Focus on fun

  4. Show effort and perseverance

  5. Promote a positive body image

  6. Be supportive and encouraging

  7. Talk about the benefits

Remember, being a movement role model is not about perfection but about demonstrating a positive attitude, consistency, and enthusiasm for physical activity. By embodying these qualities and encouraging your children to explore and enjoy movement, you can inspire them to lead active and healthy lives.

One free way to start regular movement with your family is to do family walks. Set a goal to do one a week. Walking is a simple, low-impact, and accessible form of exercise that promotes physical fitness. Walking can have a positive impact on your mood and your kids, reduce stress levels, and contribute to your overall emotional well-being. It provides opportunities for social interaction and bonding with family members or friends.

Regular Movement Benefits

Regular movement has many amazing benefits that impact the mind and body.

  • Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles and bones, increase flexibility, and help manage weight. Engaging in regular exercise can also provide a natural energy boost and reduce the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

  • Exercise has powerful effects on mental well-being. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, reducing feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. For moms and dads, who often face various demands and responsibilities, exercise can provide a valuable outlet for relaxation, stress relief, and a sense of personal accomplishment.

It's important to note that every family is unique, and factors such as a parent’s health condition or schedule may impact their ability to work out in front of their children. The key is finding a balance that works for YOU and your family while emphasizing the importance of physical activity and healthy habits. In addition, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of individuality, diversity, and celebrating one's unique qualities beyond physical appearance.

Nowadays there are so many workouts you can do without weights. You can still have the physical and mental benefits of using your own body weight in a workout. All you need is a yoga mat or towel. Let’s get started!


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