Spend Lavishly On The Things You Want To Improve

Non-Negotiable Number 5: Invest in yourself

Alright, the last non-negotiable is here. Non-negotiable number 5: Invest in yourself. In this blog, I am going to share my 4 tools to shift your mindset around time, energy, and money so that you can have the personal growth and fulfillment you’ve always wanted and become your best self. Investing in oneself is crucial for personal growth, fulfillment, and creating the life that you want.

Take LeBron James, for example, who spends $1.5 million annually to preserve his physical well-being, elevate his performance in the game, and continue to be the best. Now $1.5 million is a lot of money and not all of us have such resources. The point here is if you want to be your best self and perform at your best, it is important to recognize the significance of self-investment.

A common trend I see when discussing spending time, energy, and money on oneself; many individuals hesitate, placing the needs of their families and loved ones above their own. We readily dedicate ourselves to others, yet struggle to extend the same dedication to our own well-being. It begs the question: why do we hesitate to prioritize our own growth and happiness?

What if we extended the same sense of caring, dedication, and integrity for ourselves? Think about the possibilities.

Some among us delay self-investment, waiting for the perfect moment that never seems to arrive. This perpetual postponement becomes a barrier to our progress, leading us to believe that there will always be a more opportune time in the future. However, the truth is, there is no ideal moment. To become our best selves we have to construct our life in a way that sees value in investing in ourselves and the possibilities it can bring.

When individuals invest in themselves not only can this declutter their lives but it can help them save money because they aren’t spending on unnecessary things. By channeling time, energy, and resources into personal development, individuals experience more fulfillment and joy. Ultimately, self-investment becomes a pathway to decluttering our lives, both figuratively and literally, and allows us to move with purpose.

Here is how to Shift Your Self-Investment Mindset

Shifting our mindset to invest in ourselves requires a change in perspective. It begins with viewing self-investment—be it in the form of time, money, or energy—as an abundance that has the potential to propel you to the next level.

Our minds often operate within confined and restricted parameters, shaped by societal norms and limited thinking. To break free from these constraints, we must cultivate a critical mindset. This involves asking ourselves the question: How would I invest in myself without any limitations on time, energy, and money?

By approaching this question with an open mind and limitless imagination, we pave the way for transformative growth. Embracing self-investment as an abundant resource, rather than a scarce commodity, allows us to envision a future unconstrained by limitations.

Below I’ve outlined my 4 tools to help you determine where you should spend your resources and how to think limitlessly.

  • To truly invest in yourself, it is essential to identify your core values. Your values serve as the guiding principles that shape your beliefs and actions, providing you with a sense of purpose and direction in life. Deliberately choosing your values and aligning your daily life with them enables you to lead a purposeful existence.

    Consider values such as knowledge, friendship, health, financial stability, wealth, authenticity, compassion, family happiness, and integrity, among others. These values form the foundation of your identity and influence the choices you make.

    Once you have pinpointed your core values, take the time to reflect on how you can embody these values more fully in your life. For instance, if knowledge is one of your core values, you might decide to invest in further education by enrolling in a course or obtaining a certification that aligns with your interests and goals. By taking concrete actions in line with your values, you actively move closer to embodying these principles in your everyday experiences.

  • Investing in yourself to become your best self is not about limitations; it's about embracing a mindset of endless possibilities. Train your brain to focus on the boundless opportunities that lie ahead, rather than dwelling on problems or the seemingly improbable. It's not about what you can't do but, instead, about what you can achieve.

    Imagine the kind of life you want, one that is enjoyable but also purposeful. Make a list of all of the possibilities that will propel you to the next level. Consider various aspects of your life, including health, relationships, career, and personal growth. Ponder on how you can create an environment that nurtures your desired lifestyle. Reflect on the changes you can make in your surroundings, routines, and relationships to support your journey toward becoming your best self.

    Next, select one or two possibilities from your list that align with what you can contribute in terms of time, energy, and money. Start there!

  • Taking action is the key to self-improvement. To invest in yourself effectivity consider how you can take small, tangible steps toward your values and possibilities for your life. For example, if health is a core value, explore different avenues such as exercise routines, dietary improvements, or mental well-being practices that resonate with your goals.

    One simple step forward could involve gaining more knowledge. This might mean reading a book, following industry thought leaders on social media, or joining a free master class.

    By focusing on these possibilities and actively taking steps, you not only invest in your personal growth but also pave the way for a future that resonates with your aspirations. Remember, it's the small, consistent actions that lead to significant changes over time.

  • Going back to LeBron. He dedicates 3% of his earnings to his health, performance, and skills. Just think about the impact this small fraction could have on your life. What if you applied 3% of your income to your own growth and development? Imagine the possibilities that could unfold each month or quarter with this intentional investment.

    Embracing this mindset allows you to fill your cup, nurture your passions, and move confidently toward your goals. It's not just about the money; it's about the profound impact that intentional self-investment can have on your overall well-being and personal growth.

A snapshot of how I’m investing in myself

Health is one of my core values. It shapes my daily actions, compelling me to strive for my optimal well-being and present myself as the best version of who I am. When I prioritize my health, I can fulfill various roles —I can be the best partner, friend, mom, and coach. These relationships thrive when I am at my physical and mental peak.

Moreover, my commitment to health extends beyond the present moment. It's a vision of the future I desire—a future filled with vitality and longevity. I envision playing tag with my kids and grandkids, cherishing every joyful moment without any hindrance. My health is my investment in these precious experiences, ensuring that I won't miss out on any of life's beautiful moments due to preventable reasons.

Below are the commitments I’ve made to my Health.

  1. In October, I took a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) analysis with Kathryn Becker (Becker Health) a board-certified functional health provider. This test is amazing because it provides valuable insights into your mineral levels. It examines your minerals over a 3-month period and, with a personalized plan created by Kathryn, helps you regain balance. If you're experiencing low energy, fatigue, or other symptoms that you've come to consider normal, an HTMA test could reveal if your minerals are imbalanced, possibly causing these issues. To bring my minerals back in balance I am currently investing resources in a food and supplement protocol.

  2. I attended a meditation retreat with my husband and 10 strangers. During the practices, I felt incredibly peaceful and calm. My body finally relaxed. I didn't realize how much I needed this weekend, but I'm glad I took the time to reconnect with myself and figure out what I truly need to be my best self.

  3. Bi-monthly Pelvic Floor Therapy for Post-Partum recovery.

  4. I’ve been going strong for 2 Months on the EVLO fitness app. The exercises are no more than 35 minutes and focus on building strong muscles all while keeping a low impact on your joints. I’ve never felt stronger!

  5. Over the past three months, we’ve transitioned our home to Toxic Free. We’ve replaced our cleaning products with Branch Basics (see more details on my blog here), swapped out our personal care products, and a no-shoes rule in the house. We still have things to remove and implement. But we’ve started!

Stay committed to your goals, and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem. With each step forward, you're investing in becoming the best version of yourself.

It's natural to feel hesitant about investing time, energy, or money in yourself. Through my one-on-one coaching, I assist individuals in overcoming obstacles and changing their mindset to recognize the vast array of possibilities. There's always another door to open, another avenue to explore. Life's potential is boundless, and I'm here to guide you on how to navigate it.


Holiday Health Hacks


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