Healthy Fridge & Pantry Foundational Swaps

The ability to prevent and reverse chronic conditions to mild symptoms is under your control and simpler than you think. One way to start improving your body’s health is to remove harmful chemicals in the food you’re consuming and start reading ingredient labels. Reading ingredients leads to freedom, not restriction. Harmful chemicals do not belong in our food. These chemicals impact every cell in our body, leading to underpowered bodies and dysfunction. Harmful food chemicals are found in some of the everyday processed food products we consume, but there are better alternatives out there with real food ingredients. I promise you it won’t be hard to find packaged food products that you love.

As part of my Waste Out Method, I suggest five quick wins to reduce harmful food chemicals in your home, body, and on the go. I encourage making small foundational swaps to the processed food products that are used weekly, replacing them with products made of real food ingredients.

The products below are commonly found in American households, providing convenience and flavor but often containing seed oils, additives, natural flavors, artificial flavors, preservatives, and more.

Foundational Swaps

The healthy brand swaps below do not include the following harmful ingredients: refined sugar, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols, seed oils, excitotoxins, MSG, natural flavors, food dyes, artificial flavors, top harmful preservatives, and sodium nitrates.

In addition, these brands do not use harmful marketing tactics to make you believe the product is healthy. Bizarre health buzzwords, health claims, and greenwashing on the product packaging can make a product appear healthier than it actually is. Always check your ingredients!

Almond Milk Malk (Organic Unsweeneted)
Oat Milk Malk (Organic Original)
Yogurt Fage, Chobani (Avoid flavored yogurts as they often contain artificial ingredients and natural flavors)
Butter Truly Grass Fed Butter (unsalted), Vital Farms Grass Fed. (Watch out for natural flavorings in butter)
Coconut Oil Coco Goods
Avocado Oil HEB Avocado Oil, Chosen Foods
Bread One Mighty Mill
Sparkling Water Spindrift
Ketchup Primal Kitchen, HEB Organics Ketchup
Mustard Primal Kitchen, Thrive Market, HEB Organics Dijon,
Mayonnaise Primal Kitchen
Hot Sauce Yellow Bird, Primal Kitchen
Salad Dressing Primal Kitchen
Maple Syrup Look for Organic Maple Syrup and no additional ingredients.
Jam or Jelly Look for minimal ingredients & find a local producer. (Avoid artificial flavors, pectin, preservatives, and acids)
Peanut Butter Central Market Brand (Look for just dry roasted peanuts and sea salt)
Tortilla Chips Siete
Potato Chips Boulder Canyon, Siete
Oats One Degree, 365 Organic, Thrive Market (Look for organic oats)
Spaghetti Look for organic
Protein Powder Be Well By Kelly (beef isolate & plant options), Truvani
Electrolytes Just Ingredients Powder, Redmond Fine Sea Salt, Gray Celtic Salt

The Waste Out Method

The Waste Out Method focuses on reducing harmful food chemicals in our homes, bodies, and on the go, to create energy within our bodies and reverse or prevent mild to severe symptoms. Eating real food and cooking at home will always be better for your body.

  • Review all products in the fridge and pantry. If it has an ingredient that includes a harmful chemical food ingredient or has marketing red flags. Toss it. We don't need it in the home or the fridge.

    For items you use often, the next time you run out look for a better alternative. By eliminating harmful ingredients from your refrigerator and pantry you are far less likely to consume or buy again.

  • Buy packaged food with organic wheat, barley, oats, beans, soy, and corn to avoid Glyphosate & GMO exposure

  • This is the best way you can get involved in changing the food system in America.

  • Think about the processed foods you use weekly. What can you swap that is better for your health? Create a timeline that doesnt cause you stress and start with the product or products that will have the most dramatic results.

  • If you dine out or order takeout consistently opt for items that won’t be cooked in oil or ask for your meal to be cooked in olive oil or butter. Dining out won't be perfect all of the time and that's okay!

Struggling to lose weight, manage stress, understand which foods are best for your body, and get quality sleep? Let's chat. One-on-one coaching can help you find personalized solutions that work for you.


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