Be the architect of your happiness

Non-Negotiable Number 3: Crowd out Toxic People + Content in Your Life

Most of us have probably heard the saying you are the top 5 people you surround yourself with. Those 5 people can either fuel or drain you. A positive person in your life should uplift you and make you feel safe. You might feel drained by certain people if they are always complaining, dragging you down, undermining your self-worth, holding you back from success, or not allowing you to be your best self. Their negative thoughts might rub off on you, leading to low self-confidence, stress, and so much more.

Toxic relationships are often a source of constant conflict and drama. And sometimes we can have an addiction to toxic people or the chaos in our life. This is normal. Crowding out toxic people is one of the hardest things to do because it is personal. The more personal something is, the harder it is to let go.

Let’s talk about the content that influences us.

Toxicity can also come from the content you consume from the News, Twitter, Instagram, and even from what you read and listen to. Content can shape our beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions, sometimes leading to more polarized views and decreased empathy for others. Constant exposure to negative news stories, divisive podcasts, and toxic social media interactions can evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, and helplessness. Toxic content can influence our behaviors, making us more reactive, less understanding, and potentially contributing to negativity in our real-life relationships.

Why this matters…

By removing toxic influences and content, you can experience inner peace and a greater sense of happiness. And, when you're surrounded by positivity and support, you're more likely to find contentment and joy in your everyday life.

It might be challenging to distance yourself from toxic people, especially if they are family members, co-workers, a partner, or a long-time friend. In my 4 steps below I share with you how to crowd out toxicity in your life.

4 steps to Crowd Out Toxicity

Crowding out is a term I use often in my practice. It refers to crowding out what is bad for us by incorporating more of the good. You can use this tool in almost any area of your life. For example, if you want to decrease processed foods. You can crowd out processed foods by increasing your intake of foods that are better for you like whole fruits and vegetables. Crowding out is not about restricting or cutting ourselves off, it’s about shifting our focus on the good rather than the bad. Through this process, you’ll be able to seamlessly integrate more health-promoting habits into your life, without the withdrawals of quitting cold turkey. Let’s review how to crowd out toxicity.

  • Toxic people can poison not only your relationship with them but also your other relationships. Your relationships can impact your mood, emotions, and behaviors. Begin by doing a check-in on your relationships and how they impact your mood and behaviors.

    Make a list of the closest people in your life. Think about who you talk to the most and surround yourself with. Next to each name write down how they make you feel. Do they bring you joy, and make you feel safe and happy? Or, do they drag you down, make you feel insecure, or give you anxiety? Those that bring negative emotions, think about ways you can distance yourself some.

    It might be hard, to be honest with how they make you feel since it could be a best friend from childhood, a parent, a co-worker, an ex, or family.

    The more you check in on your relationships the better you’ll become at identifying toxicity and crowding it out.

  • It might be hard to completely remove a toxic person from your life. Instead, try to limit your exposure to them. This might mean talking to them every 6 months or seeing them once a year. Instead of allowing them in your life weekly or monthly.

  • Toxic people often undermine your self-worth and confidence. By eliminating their negative influence, you can rebuild your self-esteem. Surrounding yourself with supportive and positive individuals can boost your confidence, empowering you to pursue your goals and aspirations. Join a community or group of people that uplift you. You can crowd out toxic individuals, by incorporating more positive individuals in your life. You simply won’t have time for the ones that bring you down.

  • Cleaning up your social media by unfollowing negative or toxic accounts can significantly impact your mood. By curating your online environment to include positive, inspiring, and supportive content, you surround yourself with uplifting messages and people, fostering a sense of happiness and reducing stress.

    When was the last time you audited who you follow? Or felt a big negative emotion after reading or listening to a podcast. Take the time to audit the content you view on social media and what you read and listen to. Unfollow those that bring you down and focus on content that brings you joy.

Benefits of REmoing Toxicity

Toxic people and content can hold you back from reaching your full potential. By removing them, you create an environment that nurtures personal growth and self-improvement. You are the architect of your happiness so as you make space for positivity in your life here are some of the amazing benefits you’ll experience.

  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Less anxiety, stress, and emotional turmoil

  • Create a space for positivity and emotional stability

  • Healthier relationships

  • Freedom to pursue your passions without judgment or negativity

Establishing Boundaries with Toxic People

Part of limiting our exposure to toxic individuals is through setting boundaries with ourselves and with the other person. Boundaries establish a precedent for what you expect in your relationships, they show what you are comfortable with and not comfortable with and establish trust and respect. If you need help knowing and establishing your boundaries, through my one-on-one coaching I’ll show you my step-by-step process. If you’re curious how I can help you, you can book a discovery call here.

You are the architect of your happiness. How can you crowd out toxicity this month?


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Key Behaviors for Creating the Life You Want: Continuous Learning