Slow Down, Listen, & Feel: Finding Positivity & Presence in Everyday Life

How frequently do you allow your thoughts to steer your mood, dictate your day, or shape your actions? When was the last instance you consciously slowed down and took a breath?

Perhaps you're feeling trapped in the whirlwind of life's constant chaos. If you find yourself caught up once again in the hustle and bustle of daily routines or spiraling down a road of negativity, take a moment to pause. It's in these moments of intentional pause that we often find the clarity and peace we are looking for.

First, I want to emphasize the importance of slowing down to find balance and reconnect with ourselves amidst the chaos of daily life. By taking that step back, we give ourselves the opportunity to tune in to what truly matters.

We have to slow down physically and mentally. When we do this, we pause the cycle of overthinking and worrying, allowing our minds to settle. That pause also lets us ease out of the grip of fears of the future, regrets over the past, and doubts, creating space for relaxation.

Next, listening becomes a focal point in this process. I do not mean with our ears, but instead listening to our hearts and intuition. This deeper listening helps us maintain a state of calmness and a better understanding of what is right for us.

Lastly, the significance of feeling is embracing emotions and physical sensations. Emotionally, it's about acknowledging our needs for support, love, and joy. Physically, it's engaging our senses fully, noticing scents, tastes, touches, and sounds, which often go unnoticed in the rush of daily life. When we are moving too fast and when we don’t listen to what we need, we can lose feeling emotionally and with our senses.

To facilitate this journey toward slowing down, listening, and feeling, below are 4 guiding questions created by Gabby Bernstein. These questions can help you navigate your day with more mindfulness, positivity, and presence.

4 Questions to bring more calmness and positivity to your day

The goal is to start your day with these 4 questions created by Gabby Bernstein's Daily Design Method. These powerful questions help shift you into a positive mindset and set the tone for the entire day. When you go over these questions, think about what you want to achieve, what you have going on, or who will you be around. You can always come back to these questions throughout your day to redirect your energy and mindset.

  1. Who do I want to be today

  2. How do I want to feel today

  3. What do I want to give today

  4. What do I want to receive today

How I apply it to my life: A Snapshot of a Day

  1. Who do I want to be today - a good listener

  2. How do I want to feel today - calm

  3. What do I want to give today - empowering messages

  4. What do I want to receive today - acknowledgment


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